HUD Utility Schedule Model (HUSM) Utility Allowances – UApro™
Clients continuously leverage our approach, capabilities, and regulatory relationships to generate their HUSM utility allowance. We have an automated system which can allow us to calculate it less expensively, faster, and with lower likelihood of error than potentially doing it in-house.
Our seamless integrated approach combines the expertise of Zappling’s engineers, and specialists – over 30 years of experience working with HUD, property managers, and over 100 of Public Housing Authorities – with the power of an automated allowance calculator to provide an unprecedented combination of affordability and accuracy in calculating allowances.
Zappling aims to make the set-up process as easy and simple as possible for our clients. As part of the Professional Setup for UApro™, we complete all necessary research and answer your questions regarding the utility allowance study. The Professional Setup is completed in the following steps:
Zappling requests a list of utility suppliers and building characteristics from the client
Zappling researches current utility rates for each property
A Zappling specialist creates a client-specific user account in UApro™ and enters current utility rates and property characteristics.
Within minutes UApro™:
Matches building characteristics with the most up-to-date statistical energy consumption data from Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), which is conducted by the United States Department of Energy
Localizes the consumption data by ZIP code by applying historical weather data
Applies the localized consumption data to the client’s rates
Generates a set of unique utility allowance schedules specific to: housing type, building age and dwelling unit size
Reports are submitted directly on the required Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 52667 form.
In addition, Zappling delivers supporting documentation in PDF format via email.